Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN Agustus 2014

Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri (IPDN) Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN is one of the official Institute of Higher Education in the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Indonesia, which aims to prepare a cadre of government, both at the local level as well as at the central level. On October 10, 2007, in a cabinet meeting, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono decided to combine STPDN with the Institute of Governance Studies (IIP) into IPDN following the disclosure of cases of violence in STPDN.

Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN Ministry opportunity for the son / daughter of an Indonesian citizen to attend the selection acceptance candidate Praja Domestic Governance Institute (IPDN) with the following conditions:

Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
• Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
• Participants age as of December 1, 2014 at least sixteen (16) years and a maximum of 21 (twenty one) years
• The average value Diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) High School Level Up / Madrasah Aliyah minimum of 7.00 (seven point zero) with graduation years 2012, 2013 and 2014;
• Male applicants height of at least 160 cm and females at least 155 cm
• No tattoos or scars and tattoos for men not bertindik applicants or former pierced ears or other body member except for the provision of religious / cultural
• Not using glasses / contact lenses according to the elements of a medical examination
• Never been married or unmarried, pregnant or gave birth and could not be married or married during the education
• Willing to obey all rules of the civil life and is willing to refund the entire cost of education that has been issued because the government resign, dismissed and / or violate the rules of education
• Ready dismissed if the criminal act, consume and or trafficking in drugs, doing fights, beatings, beatings and immoral act legal effect or not

Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN Agustus 2014

Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN

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