Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN Ministry opportunity for the son / daughter of an Indonesian citizen to attend the selection acceptance candidate Praja Domestic Governance Institute (IPDN) with the following conditions:
Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
• Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
• Participants age as of December 1, 2014 at least sixteen (16) years and a maximum of 21 (twenty one) years
• The average value Diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) High School Level Up / Madrasah Aliyah minimum of 7.00 (seven point zero) with graduation years 2012, 2013 and 2014;
• Male applicants height of at least 160 cm and females at least 155 cm
• No tattoos or scars and tattoos for men not bertindik applicants or former pierced ears or other body member except for the provision of religious / cultural
• Not using glasses / contact lenses according to the elements of a medical examination
• Never been married or unmarried, pregnant or gave birth and could not be married or married during the education
• Willing to obey all rules of the civil life and is willing to refund the entire cost of education that has been issued because the government resign, dismissed and / or violate the rules of education
• Ready dismissed if the criminal act, consume and or trafficking in drugs, doing fights, beatings, beatings and immoral act legal effect or not
• Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia
• Participants age as of December 1, 2014 at least sixteen (16) years and a maximum of 21 (twenty one) years
• The average value Diploma / Certificate of Graduate Study (STTB) High School Level Up / Madrasah Aliyah minimum of 7.00 (seven point zero) with graduation years 2012, 2013 and 2014;
• Male applicants height of at least 160 cm and females at least 155 cm
• No tattoos or scars and tattoos for men not bertindik applicants or former pierced ears or other body member except for the provision of religious / cultural
• Not using glasses / contact lenses according to the elements of a medical examination
• Never been married or unmarried, pregnant or gave birth and could not be married or married during the education
• Willing to obey all rules of the civil life and is willing to refund the entire cost of education that has been issued because the government resign, dismissed and / or violate the rules of education
• Ready dismissed if the criminal act, consume and or trafficking in drugs, doing fights, beatings, beatings and immoral act legal effect or not
Penerimaan Calon Praja IPDN