Lowongan Kerja 2015 GS Battery, QA Staff, Plant Staff, Accounting & Finance Staff [Januari]

Tjariekerja : GS Battery adalah Sebuah perusahaan joint venture antara GS Yuasa International Ltd, Toyota Coorporation & PT. Astra Otoparts Tbk, dengan lebih dari 2.000 pegawai.. Kami memproduksi baterai otomotif dan sepeda motor dengan merek "GS Astra".

Kesempatan Bekerja Bulan Januari Produsen Battery 2015 kali ini mencari kandidat professional untuk menempati posisi sebagaimana terlampir berikut:

Penerimaan Karyawan GS Battery 2015

QA Staff

• Maximum age of 27 years old.
• Have a Bachelor Degree (S1) in Industrial Engineering from reputable university with minimum GPA of 2.75.
• Computer literate (MS Office).
• Strong personality and able to work under pressure.
• Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
• Willing to be placed at Karawang / Semarang.

Plant Staff
• Maximum age of 27 years old.
• Have a Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering from reputable university with minimum GPA of 2.75.
• Strong personality and able to work under pressure.
• Possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
• Willing to be placed at Karawang.

Accounting & Finance Staff

• Maximum age of 27 years old.
• Have a Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting from reputable university with minimum GPA of 2.75.
• Computer literate (MS Office).
• Strong personality and able to work under pressure.
• Willing to be placed at Jakarta.

Logo GS Battery

Lowongan Kerja GS Battery

Segera kirim CV dan Lamaran anda segera (CLOSED)

Karir di PT GS Battery persembahan oleh Tjariekerja untuk anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan Januari 2015

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