Krakatau Daya Listrik is a strategic subsidiary company of state-owned steel producers PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk (Krakatau Steel Group) with its core business in the field of electrical power generation, oil and gas downstream business and electrical service business. PT Krakatau Daya Listrik was first established in 1976 and initially started as a division unit under the Directorate of Planning of Krakatau Steel Group. After several changes of its status, the name of PT Krakatau Daya Listrik officially launched in 1996 and operates as an independent company. Headquartered in Cilegon Banten, PT Krakatau Daya Listrik now operates 400 MW of Steam-Generated Electricity Power Plant and 120 MW of Combined Cycle Electricity Power Plant.
Melalui Lowongan Kerja Krakatau Daya Listrik April 2015 saat ini mencari kandidat professional untuk menempati posisi sebagaimana terlampir berikut:
Human Capital Training Staff
- Male, single with maximum age of 35 years old.
- Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Electro Engineering.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 35 years old.
- Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Electro Engineering (Weak current / Power Lines).
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Good health and physical fitness.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 25 years old.
- Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Electro Engineering (Weak current).
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Willing to work in shifting system and overtime.
- Good health and physical fitness.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 27 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) holder in Industrial Engineering.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 27 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) holder in Accounting.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office (MS. Office, terutama MS. Excel Advance and MS. Visio).
- Active in English language.
- Male/Female, single with maximum age of 25 years old.
- Minimum Diploa (D3) holder in Accounting.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 27 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) holder in Accounting.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 27 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) holder in Electro Engineering, Physics Instrumentation.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office, AutoCAD.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 25 years old.
- Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Electro Engineering Wesk Current.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office, AutoCAD.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 27 years old.
- Minimum Bachelor (S1) holder in Industrial Engineering.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
- Active in English language.
Lowongan Kerja April lainnya:
Planning Technician
- Male/Female, single with maximum age of 25 years old.
- Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Accounting.
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 25 years old.
- Minimum Diploma (D3) holder in Electro Engineering Power Lines
- Minimum GPA of 2.75.
- Operating knowledge of Microsoft Office and Internet.
- Active in English language.
- Male, single with maximum age of 20 years old.
- Minimum Vocational High School (SMK) in Engineering.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Willing to work shift.
- Period of internship: 6-12 months.
- Male/Female, single with maximum age of 20 years old.
- Minimum Vocational High School (SMK) in Finance and Administration.
- Physically and mentally healthy.
- Willing to work shift.
- Period of internship: 6-12 months.
Lowongan Kerja April 2015 PT Krakatau Daya Listrik dipersembahkan oleh untuk anda. Demikian dan semoga bermanfaat, pantau terus perkembangan Info Pekerjaan Esok Hari. Sampai bertemu kembali.