- PT Astra International adalah perusahaan yang mengawali bisnis sebagai sebuah perusahaan perdagangan umum dengan nama Astra International inc. Astra International melakukan aksi korporasi dengan menjual saham ke publik dan mencatatkan saham perdana di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan ticker ASII serta mengubah nama perusahaan menjadi PT Astra International Tbk dan memiliki 183 anak perusahaan. Pengendalian bersama Entitas dan perusahaan asosiasi yang menjalankan enam segmen usaha yaitu Otomotif, Jasa Keuangan, Alat Berat dan Pertambangan, Agribisnis, Infrastruktur, Logistik dan Lainnya serta teknologi Informasi.
Dalam segmen Otomotif berawal sebagai distributor Toyota yang mampu menyediakan beragam pilihan dan model kendaraan bermotor mulai dari sepeda motor Honda hingga mobil dan truk dengan merek Toyota, Honda, Daihatsu, Isuzu, BMW, Peugeot dan UD Trucks.
Segmen Jasa Keuangan dari PT Astra International Tbk terdiri dari empat pilar bisnis utama yaitu pembiayaan otomotif, pembiayaan alat berat, asuransi yang terdiri dari asuransi umum dan asuransi jiwa serta layanan perbankan.
Segmen Alat Berat, kontaktor penambangan dan pertambangan yang dikelola melalui anak usaha perusahaan yaitu PT United Tractors (UT) melayani pelanggan dari berbagai sektor seperti pertambangan, perkebunan, kontruksi, kehutanan, material handling dan transportasi.
Segmen Agribisnis dari Group Astra miliki salah satu bisnis kelapa sawit terbesar dan terintegrasi di Indonesia dengan produk utama minyak kelapa sawit (Crude Palm Oil atau CPO).
PT Astra International Tbk sampai dengan dengan bulan Maret ini telah berhasil mengantongi laba bersih sebesar Rp 14,5 triliun, angka tersebut menurun sekitar 24 persen dari laba ditahun lalu.
Dalam segmen Otomotif berawal sebagai distributor Toyota yang mampu menyediakan beragam pilihan dan model kendaraan bermotor mulai dari sepeda motor Honda hingga mobil dan truk dengan merek Toyota, Honda, Daihatsu, Isuzu, BMW, Peugeot dan UD Trucks.
Segmen Jasa Keuangan dari PT Astra International Tbk terdiri dari empat pilar bisnis utama yaitu pembiayaan otomotif, pembiayaan alat berat, asuransi yang terdiri dari asuransi umum dan asuransi jiwa serta layanan perbankan.
Segmen Alat Berat, kontaktor penambangan dan pertambangan yang dikelola melalui anak usaha perusahaan yaitu PT United Tractors (UT) melayani pelanggan dari berbagai sektor seperti pertambangan, perkebunan, kontruksi, kehutanan, material handling dan transportasi.
Segmen Agribisnis dari Group Astra miliki salah satu bisnis kelapa sawit terbesar dan terintegrasi di Indonesia dengan produk utama minyak kelapa sawit (Crude Palm Oil atau CPO).
PT Astra International Tbk sampai dengan dengan bulan Maret ini telah berhasil mengantongi laba bersih sebesar Rp 14,5 triliun, angka tersebut menurun sekitar 24 persen dari laba ditahun lalu.

Credit: PT Astra International
PT Astra International saat ini kembali membuka beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Environtment, Health, Safety and Social Responsibility Analyst (UNAIR-ESR)
monitor and implement the area of Environment, Health, Safety and Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) refer to the standards Astra Green Company and Astra Friendly Company.
• Bachelor degree from Chemical / Architectural / Mechanical / Civil / Industrial / Electrical Engineering
• Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
• Have a special / highly interest working in Environment, Health, Safety & Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) field
• Actively involve in organizational activities
• Good analytical thinking
• Audit and Risk Trainee is exstensive development program in auditing field which certified by audit competencies that in line with the objective of Internal Audit Astra Group (operational audit, financial audit and IT audit).
• You will be develop to become a credible Auditor through variety program in class training and on the job training within 12 months (basic Astra values and business process, basic finance, accounting and tax basic auditing, general IT Auditor and various soft skill training).
• Bachelor Degree Accounting, Finance, Industrial Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science and IT
• Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
• Proficient in English both written and speaking
• Good analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
• Proactive and eager to learn
• Actively involve in campus organization activities.
• Willing to travel around Indonesia (with high frequency)
• HR Trainee is an extensive development program that will give you opportunities to be a great HR Professional. During the program in 12 months you will be exposed to different HR roles in different type of business both of in class training and on the job training.
• As an HR Officer you will be responsible in the area of People Evaluation, Recruitment, People Development and HR System to optimize the Organization's Effectiveness. You will also have the opportunity to involve in labour Management. To become a great HR Trainee, you must have an excellent interpersonal skill and passion in Human Resource, not only to interact with people in the organization, but also to develop them.
• Bachelor Degree form Any Major Psychology / Law
• Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
• Passionate in Human Resource
• Good analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
• Proactive and eager to learn
• Actively involve in campus organization activities
As Accounting Analyst you will be responsible for all accounting functions in the company, such as handling financial corporate consolidation report, cash flow management, taxation, or accounting systems and procedures.
• Bachelor degree from Accounting
• Fresh graduated or experienced max. 2 years work
• Mastering accounting principles is a must
• Good interpersonal and communication skill
Bila lulus seleksi, SMS ditanggal 01 - 18 September 2015 dan akan melaksanakan tes ujian pada tanggal 21 september 2015 di Surabaya
monitor and implement the area of Environment, Health, Safety and Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) refer to the standards Astra Green Company and Astra Friendly Company.
• Bachelor degree from Chemical / Architectural / Mechanical / Civil / Industrial / Electrical Engineering
• Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
• Have a special / highly interest working in Environment, Health, Safety & Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) field
• Actively involve in organizational activities
• Good analytical thinking
Audit and Risk Trainee (UNAIR - AUD TRAINEE)
Responsibility:• Audit and Risk Trainee is exstensive development program in auditing field which certified by audit competencies that in line with the objective of Internal Audit Astra Group (operational audit, financial audit and IT audit).
• You will be develop to become a credible Auditor through variety program in class training and on the job training within 12 months (basic Astra values and business process, basic finance, accounting and tax basic auditing, general IT Auditor and various soft skill training).
• Bachelor Degree Accounting, Finance, Industrial Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science and IT
• Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
• Proficient in English both written and speaking
• Good analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
• Proactive and eager to learn
• Actively involve in campus organization activities.
• Willing to travel around Indonesia (with high frequency)
Human Resources Trainee (UNAIR - HR TRAINEE)
Responsibility:• HR Trainee is an extensive development program that will give you opportunities to be a great HR Professional. During the program in 12 months you will be exposed to different HR roles in different type of business both of in class training and on the job training.
• As an HR Officer you will be responsible in the area of People Evaluation, Recruitment, People Development and HR System to optimize the Organization's Effectiveness. You will also have the opportunity to involve in labour Management. To become a great HR Trainee, you must have an excellent interpersonal skill and passion in Human Resource, not only to interact with people in the organization, but also to develop them.
• Bachelor Degree form Any Major Psychology / Law
• Fresh graduate or max. 2 years of experience
• Passionate in Human Resource
• Good analytical thinking and interpersonal skill
• Proactive and eager to learn
• Actively involve in campus organization activities
Accounting Analyst (UNAIR - ACC)
Responsibility:As Accounting Analyst you will be responsible for all accounting functions in the company, such as handling financial corporate consolidation report, cash flow management, taxation, or accounting systems and procedures.
• Bachelor degree from Accounting
• Fresh graduated or experienced max. 2 years work
• Mastering accounting principles is a must
• Good interpersonal and communication skill
Bila lulus seleksi, SMS ditanggal 01 - 18 September 2015 dan akan melaksanakan tes ujian pada tanggal 21 september 2015 di Surabaya
Cara Melamar:
Segera kirim berkas lamaran anda (resume, foto terbaru (max 1MB) pada email berikut:
Email :
subjek posisi pada email lamaran
Contact person : Dewi, Noval / 021-6522555 Ext. 143
subjek posisi pada email lamaran
Contact person : Dewi, Noval / 021-6522555 Ext. 143
Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Astra International Terbaru September 2015 yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Harapan kami anda diterima dan lulus seleksi sehingga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Amin