Lowongan Kerja 2015 Puma Energy, Site Superintendent, Operator [Maret]

Puma Energy adalah perusahaan yang dikendalikan oleh Trafigura Beheer BV dan Sonangol Group. Trafigura sendiri, merupakan salah satu pedagang komoditas independen terbesar di dunia, sedangkan Sonangol adalah perusahaan minyak nasional Angola.

Kesempatan Bekerja Bulan Maret Perusahaan Asing 2015 kali ini mencari kandidat professional untuk menempati posisi sebagaimana terlampir berikut:

Penerimaan Karyawan Puma Energy 2015

Site Superintendent (Code TSL)

Job Description:
Responsible for managing the operation at the assigned site/ terminal. Comply with the operations business plan and schedule. 100% commitment with the Safety Management System.

• Minimum S1 degree in Technic with minimun GPA. 3.00
• 5 years experience in handling terminal operation or handling industrial facility in areas related to maintenance, production and industrial safety.
• Familiar with regulation such as Custom and Port
• Leadership ability and interpersonal skills
• Surveyor background is advantage
• Advance in Microsoft office, and Microsoft operating system
• Candidates must be fluent in English
• to be based in areas in Lematang, South Sumatera

Lowongan Kerja 2015 Maret lainnya:

Operator (Code OPL)

Job Description:
To operate terminal facility as per procedure and working instruction with activities loading or unloading from truck and vessel.

• Minimum D3 degree with GPA. 2.75
• 1 year experience in related field
• Surveyor background is advantage
• Candidates must be fluent in English
• to be based in areas in Lematang, South Sumatera

Logo Puma Energy

Lowongan Kerja Puma Energy

Submit an application letter together with comprehensive curriculum vitae to:

Email : recruitmentindonesia@pumaenergy.com
Please state the position & the code as the email subject.
CLOSED DATE : 09 Maret 2015

Karir di Puma Energy persembahan oleh Tjariekerja untuk anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan Maret 2015

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