Lowongan Kerja 2015 Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan join venture antara PT Pioneer Trading Co. Ltd. (Indonesia) dan Management Centre of Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Singapore).
Sejarah berdiri PT Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia pada tanggal 29 Februari 1992, mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 1 April 1993 dan diresmikan oleh Menteri Perindustrian (Tungki Ariwibowo) pada tanggal 2 September 1993. (Baca juga loker sebelumnya: Lowongan Kerja PT Pelni (Persero) 2015)
Sejarah berdiri PT Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia pada tanggal 29 Februari 1992, mulai beroperasi pada tanggal 1 April 1993 dan diresmikan oleh Menteri Perindustrian (Tungki Ariwibowo) pada tanggal 2 September 1993. (Baca juga loker sebelumnya: Lowongan Kerja PT Pelni (Persero) 2015)

Credit: PT Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia
Bisnis PT Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia saat ini OMI memiliki 77,573 m2 luas tanah yang terletak di East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Plot 5C Bekasi, Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Industri OMI adalah control components, dibawah pengawasan division of Omron Corporation Japan. Saat ini Omron mengeksport hasil produksi ke Eropa, Asia, Australia dan Amerika Utara. Hasil produksi Omron di bidang komponen elektronik antara lain: relay, switch dengan berbagai macam tipe dan berbagai macam penggunaan.
PT Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia saat ini kembali membuka beberapa posisi dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Lowongan Kerja Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia S1
Production Line Leader (Prod-LL POLBAN) – (Manufacture/ Mechanical/ Electrical)
To control quality and productivity on production line
Job Descriptions:
• Maintain process & product quality on production line to meet Q specification
• Set Up line capacity and maintain daily output and production time to meet production plan
• Control machine condition, confirm and follow up to Production Maintenance if any problems
• Perform KAIZEN activity in production line
• To control operator performance to achieve production target
• To check and analyze nonconformity product and minimize inferior
Product Engineering Technician ( PE-Tech-POLBAN) – (Mechanical/Electrical)
As product technical window among production, supplier and customer, handle type testing and maintenance and new product development,
Job Description:
• As technical expert who support sales people on customer relationship
• Handle RIS project include sample to customer
• Do product testing
• Maintain testing equipment
• Support other department towards to the product technical problem
Warehouse Leader (WH-Leader POLBAN) – Any Major
Job Descriptions:
• Control No part shortage
• Create Data Priority PO
• Update Safety Stock every 3 months
• Follow up part to PU / QC
• Conduct weekly coordination meeting
• Upload MPS setting (forecast)
• Make bea cukai report
• Training warehouse operator
Production Maintenance Leader (PM-LL) – (Mechanical/Electrical)
To maintains and monitoring all machines in Production
Job Descriptions:
• To check analyze and repair the machine problem occurring on production machinery
• To control and coordinates maintenance activities, modification of production machinery, equipment, jig, and fixtures to get the better performance.
• To check and control the stock of machine spare part, machine, equipment, and jig.
• To set implement the periodical maintenance schedule and 5S implementation
• Improve the subordinate performance by continuously guide and train them
• Hold Diploma degree (D3) from any major
• GPA min 2.75 ( 4.00 scale )
• Male / Female with max. Age 27 years old
• Available for Fresh Graduate
• Strong Leadership, honest and high integrity
• Computer literate ( Office, Drawing, Statistical )
• Aggressive & Target Oriented Person.
• Good spoken & written in English
Cara Melamar:
Segera kirimkan berkas lamaran anda (curriculum vitae, copy of certificates, transcript, and recent photograph) pada alamat atau email berikut:
Email: omi_recruitment@ap.omron.com
Please, write down the code of the position as subject of your email
Batas Lamaran : 08 Oktober 2015
Batas Lamaran : 08 Oktober 2015
Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Omron Manufacturing of Indonesia Terbaru 2015 yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Harapan kami anda diterima dan lulus seleksi sehingga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Amin