Lowongan Kerja 2015 Sarana Multigriya Finansial (PERSERO), Pengawas Bangunan, Accounting, Analis, Marketing, Research Development [Februari]

Sarana Multigriya Finansial (PERSERO) adalah perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak dalam bidang pembiayaan sekunder perumahan.

Membeli rumah akan melibatkan jumlah uang yang tidak sedikit, oleh karenanya diperlukan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) dengan masa angsuran yang cukup panjang. Bagi perbankan, sumber dana yang tersedia untuk membiayai KPR umumnya berjangka pendek (tabungan, giro, deposito, dan sebagian dari obligasi), sehingga menimbulkan maturity mismatch (kesenjangan jangka waktu).

Kesempatan Bekerja Bulan Februari Salahsatu Perusahaan BUMN 2015 kali ini mencari kandidat professional untuk menempati posisi sebagaimana terlampir berikut:

Penerimaan Karyawan Sarana Multigriya Finansial (PERSERO) 2015

Pengawas Bangunan (Code : PB)

• Minimum S1 in Civil Engineering or Architecture.
• Experience in handling office building project.
• Mastering the problem of civil planning, architecture, interior, landscape and mechanical engineering.
• Minimum 5 years of experience in the related field.
• Able to plan, accurate and disciplines.

Staff Accounting (Code : ACC)

• Minimum S1 in Accounting.
• Experience in the field of Accountancy Information System and preparation of Financial Statements.
• Minimum 2 years of experience in the related field.
• Have a good English and interpersonal skills.
• Thorough, careful, able to work in teams and disciplines.

Staff Research & Development (Code : RD)

• Minimum S1 in Economics, Statistics or Business.
• Experienced in the field of research, product and policy development, macro and micro economic analysis.
• Minimum 2 years of experience in the related field.
• Strong knowledge and good understanding about mortgage products and other financial intitution's products.
• Have a good English and analytical - conceptual skills.
• Communicative, excellent interpersonal skill and able to work in a team.

Lowongan Kerja 2015 Februari lainnya:

Staf Analis & Marketing (Code : AM)

• Minimum S1 in Economics, Business or Law.
• Experienced in the field of marketing and analysis of mortgage and securities products.
• Minimum 2 years of experience in the related field.
• Strong knowledge and good understanding about mortgage and securities products.
• Have a good English and analytical - conceptual skills.
• Communicative, excellent interpersonal skill, self confidence and able to work in a team.

Staff Keuangan (Code : TRY)

• Minimum S1 in Economics or Business.
• Experienced in the field of treasury/securities finance.
• Minimum 2 years of experience in the related field.
• Strong knowledge and good understanding about the management of treasury/ALMA, capital market and related regulation.
• Have a good English and analytical - conceptual skills.
• Communicative, excellent interpersonal skill and able to work in a team.

Pekerjaan Terbaru Sarana Multigriya Finansial (PERSERO) Tjariekerja

Lowongan Kerja Sarana Multigriya Finansial (PERSERO)

Please send your application letter complete with updated CV and other supporting documents to:

Email : hrd@smf-indonesia.co.id
Subject position code_your name in the subject email
CLOSED DATE : 28 Februari 2015

Karir di PT Sarana Multigriya Finansial (PERSERO) persembahan oleh Tjariekerja untuk anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan Februari 2015

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