Selamat datang di, blog yang menyajikan Informasi Seputar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2015. Kami merupakan salah satu jaringan Tjarie Group yang memfokuskan dalam penyebaran Berita Lowongan Kerja Terbaru khusus untuk Warga Negara Indonesia. Mengingat begitu banyaknya pengangguran di Indonesia sehingga meggerakkan hati kami untuk mempersembahkan sebuah sajian yang tentunya bisa berguna dan bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Harapan kami kedepan semoga Tjarie Group bisa menjadi sahabat/partner anda sebagai salahsatu media referensi terpercaya dalam mencari Lowongan Pekerjaan.
Tentunya akan banyak Penipuan berkedok rekrutmen, untuk itu Kami menghimbau kepada para pencari kerja agar selalu ber HATI-HATI dalam proses rekrutmen. Perlu di CATAT dan INGAT TIDAK ADA UANG dalam proses rekrutmen dengan alasan apapun. Bagaimana bisa dikala anda Butuh Uang sementara untuk itu anda harus mengeluarkan Uang sebagai syarat untuk bisa masuk dan lulus seleksi.
Lowongan Kerja 07 Juni 2015 yang akan kami sajikan datang dari Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI)
Berikut Lowongan Kerja Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI)
Profile PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) adalah salah satu anak perusahaan Coca Cola di Indonesia.
Coca-Cola adalah minuman ringan berkarbonasi yang dijual di toko, restoran, dan mesin penjual di lebih dari 200 negara. Minuman ini diproduksi oleh The Coca-Cola Company asal Atlanta, Georgia, dan sering disebut Coke saja (merek dagang terdaftar The Coca-Cola Company di Amerika Serikat sejak 27 Maret 1944). Awalnya dibuat sebagai obat paten saat ditemukan pada akhir abad ke-19 oleh John Pemberton, Coca-Cola akhirnya dibeli oleh pebisnis Asa Griggs Candler yang taktik pemasarannya berhasil membuat Coke mendominasi pasar minuman ringan dunia sepanjang abad ke-20.
Sejarah berdiri PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) Coca-Cola pertama kali hadir di Indonesia sekitar tahun 1927, ketika Netherland Indische Mineral Water Fabrieck (Pabrik Air Mineral Hindia Belanda) membotolkan untuk pertama kalinya di Batavia (Jakarta). Produksi Coca-Cola lumpuh pada zaman penjajahan Jepang (1942-1945) tetapi tepat sesudah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, pabrik tersebut beroperasi dibawah nama The Indonesia Bottles Ltd Nv (IBL) dengan status perusahaan nasional.
Pada tahun 1971, dengan pertambahan mitra usaha dan modal didirikannya pabrik pembotolan modern pertama di Indonesia dengan nama baru PT. The Jaya Beverages Bottling Company. Tercatat sampai saat ini 11 pabrik Coca-Cola yang beroperasi di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia, berturut-turut berdasarkan tahun pendiriannya adalah Jakarta (1971), Medan (1973), Surabaya (1976), Semarang (1976), Ujung pandang (1981), Bandung (1983), Padang (1985), Bali (1985), Manado (1985), Banjarmasin (1981), dan Lampung (1995).
Pada tahun 2000, tiga perusahaan baru Coca-Cola di Indonesia didirikan, yaitu PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI), PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) dan PT. Coca-Cola Distribution Indonesia (CCDI).
Coca-Cola adalah minuman ringan berkarbonasi yang dijual di toko, restoran, dan mesin penjual di lebih dari 200 negara. Minuman ini diproduksi oleh The Coca-Cola Company asal Atlanta, Georgia, dan sering disebut Coke saja (merek dagang terdaftar The Coca-Cola Company di Amerika Serikat sejak 27 Maret 1944). Awalnya dibuat sebagai obat paten saat ditemukan pada akhir abad ke-19 oleh John Pemberton, Coca-Cola akhirnya dibeli oleh pebisnis Asa Griggs Candler yang taktik pemasarannya berhasil membuat Coke mendominasi pasar minuman ringan dunia sepanjang abad ke-20.
Sejarah berdiri PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) Coca-Cola pertama kali hadir di Indonesia sekitar tahun 1927, ketika Netherland Indische Mineral Water Fabrieck (Pabrik Air Mineral Hindia Belanda) membotolkan untuk pertama kalinya di Batavia (Jakarta). Produksi Coca-Cola lumpuh pada zaman penjajahan Jepang (1942-1945) tetapi tepat sesudah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, pabrik tersebut beroperasi dibawah nama The Indonesia Bottles Ltd Nv (IBL) dengan status perusahaan nasional.
Pada tahun 1971, dengan pertambahan mitra usaha dan modal didirikannya pabrik pembotolan modern pertama di Indonesia dengan nama baru PT. The Jaya Beverages Bottling Company. Tercatat sampai saat ini 11 pabrik Coca-Cola yang beroperasi di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia, berturut-turut berdasarkan tahun pendiriannya adalah Jakarta (1971), Medan (1973), Surabaya (1976), Semarang (1976), Ujung pandang (1981), Bandung (1983), Padang (1985), Bali (1985), Manado (1985), Banjarmasin (1981), dan Lampung (1995).
Pada tahun 2000, tiga perusahaan baru Coca-Cola di Indonesia didirikan, yaitu PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI), PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) dan PT. Coca-Cola Distribution Indonesia (CCDI).

Credit: Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI)
Bisnis PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) terdapat beberapa divisi seperti Kedokteran Produksi Divison , Quality Control , Penelitian dan Pengembangan , dll Dengan meningkatnya permintaan pasar untuk produk kami dan untuk mengembangkan usahanya perusahaan membangun pabrik baru di luar pabrik yang ada . Pabrik baru ini terletak di Desa Kaliwuluh , Kebakkramat Kabupaten , Karanganyar sekitar 50.000 meter persegi lebar untuk fasilitas produksi dari total luas 200.000 tersedia lebar meter persegi .
Batas Lamaran: Juni 2015
PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) dalam perkembangan bisnisnya memerlukan tenaga prefossional untuk menunjang kesuksesan usaha tersebut, saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bulan Juni 2015. Dalam proses rekrutmen ini salahsatu syarat dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan minimal lulusan D3, S1 bersedia ditempatkan di Surabaya, Jakarta, Indonesia. Penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai posisi yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat pada sajian lengkap dibawah.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) Juni 2015, Posisi:
Solution Delivery Manager
National Office
Job Responsibilities:
• Effective partnership with Business Function Leadership Team on developing business plan and delivering IT facilitation that are aligned with business objectives on timely and cost effective manner.
• Lead the implementation of approved business application through project management leadership & co-ordination with business functions and related IT personnel.
• Lead in order to articulate, recognize, conceptualize, analyze business requirements and/or business issues and transform into business system solutions; and manage the development of a business plan that best meet business requirements
• Continuous support to approved business application by providing:
System documentation (SOP & Training Material) which is in accordance with current business practices and policy.
• Procedure or process to prevent problems from re-occurring.
• Actively seek improvement of business applications by recognizing where efficiency of technology can add value.
• Expressing ideas (plans or solutions) clearly and effectively through both oral and written communication to individuals and groups within CCAI Indonesia or in the organization outside the line of formal authority (such as peers in other units or senior management).
• Communicate and gauge the effectiveness of delivered solutions with the Management team in all CCAI Operations and measure the implementation process with the end users.
• Develop team skills and competencies by planning effective development activities related to current and future jobs; providing timely feedback, guidance and training to help them reach their goals.
• Take responsibility for providing and managing a work environment that is safe and without risk to health by ensuring OHS policy, plans, procedures, induction, training and work instructions are followed. Ensure that hazard management including identification, assessment and control are undertaken.
Job Requirements
• Min. bachelor degree from a reputable university; prefer majoring in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Sciences or any related disciplines
• 10 years working experience and at least 8 years experiences leading IT projects
• Experience in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company will be an added advantage
Technical Competencies:
• Hands-on project management experience with more than 5 cycle process
• Notable business processes knowledge and experience (min. 2 of following business processes):
Supply Chain
Sales & Distribution
Sales & Marketing
Human Resources
• IT systems knowledge
• Proficiency in SAP Supply Chain
• Financially sound
• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia
• Decision Making
• Finance Acumen
• Developing Others
• Managing Performance
• Planning & Executing
Job Responsibilities:
• With regards to National Office focus and guidance, develop and implement CA strategy for the region in close relationship with Head of CA Affairs, Head of Corporate Communication, and Business Service Director, along with other relevant CCAI business leaders, which may impact business sustainability and corporate reputation.
• Manage relationships with officials of key government agencies including Governor, Head of Regency/Mayors, including the education of those officials about CCAI business values thereby improving CCAI reputation.
• Monitor, analyze and present updates on government regulations and public policies for threats and opportunities to CCAI business sustainability and corporate reputation, and communicate this intelligence to local business leaders, Head of CA Affairs, Head of Corporate Communication, and Business Service Director.
• Support Head of Corporate Communication and Media Communication Manager to undertake media relations activities by providing compilation of valid facts, media listand press contacts.
• Proactive in manage relationships with regional media.
• Plan and implement CA strategy to managecorporate relationships with key communities and interest groups including the education of community leaders and industry association leaders about CCAI business values thereby improving CCAI reputation.
• Enhance company’s reputation by managing execution of CSR program initiatives and ensure all the programs publicized effectively.
• Supervise and execute IMCR/CRP crisis assessment (including data and information gathering), functional coordination for quick response and implementation, in close coordination with National Office team as well as other relevant CCAI local business leaders, to protect business sustainability and corporate reputation.
• Identify area for improvement, develop improvement program and monitor the implementation to increase process efficiency, cost effectiveness, or increase productivity.
• Lead, manage and coach subordinates to improve CA team performance.
• Develop subordinate capabilities through setting and reviewing performance target, monitor implementation of Individual Development Plan (IDP).
• Prepare, monitor, control the annual department budget to ensure expenditure is in line with the ABP.
• Min. bachelor degree in Social Studies, Economics, Public Relations, Corporate Communications or other related major from reputable university
• Min. 5 years of working experience in Corporate Affairs Manager position or other related roles with leadership exposure.
Technical Competencies:
• Government Relations
• PR Writing skill
• Media relations skill
• Project management skill
• Presentation Skill
• Issue Management & IMCR
• Computer Literacy (powerpoint, excel, etc)
• Dapat menjalin kerjasama dengan pelanggan
• Menjalin kerjasama dengan outlet yang sudah ada dan outlet-outlet yang baru di area JABODETABEK
• Minimal Diploma 3 semua jurusan atau lulusan SMA/SMK dengan pengalaman di bidang sales minimal 1 tahun
• Memiliki motor dan SIM C
• Berkeinginan kuat dan mampu untuk mendorong pertumbuhan penjualan
• Kompetensi inti yang dibutuhkan : Orientasi untuk melakukan yang terbaik, berorientasi kepada costumer, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (supel), bisa jualan, problem solving, dan mampu bekerja baik dalam tim.
• Kompetensi Leadership yang dibutuhkan: perencanaan dan eksekusi.
• Bersedia di tempatkan di Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, dan Bekasi
• Area Kerja : Pasar Traditional, Rumah Makan, Kantin sekolah, kantin pabrik, kios, Terminal, Games/ Internet Station, Toko Eceran, Toko grosir, Distributor, Apotik, Tempat Les, dll.
Benefit selain gaji pokok : insentif/bonus + asuransi kesehatan (3x gaji) + uang bensin + perawatan motor
Job Responsibilities:
• Effective partnership with Business Function Leadership Team on developing business plan and delivering IT facilitation that are aligned with business objectives on timely and cost effective manner.
• Lead the implementation of approved business application through project management leadership & co-ordination with business functions and related IT personnel.
• Lead in order to articulate, recognize, conceptualize, analyze business requirements and/or business issues and transform into business system solutions; and manage the development of a business plan that best meet business requirements
• Continuous support to approved business application by providing:
System documentation (SOP & Training Material) which is in accordance with current business practices and policy.
• Procedure or process to prevent problems from re-occurring.
• Actively seek improvement of business applications by recognizing where efficiency of technology can add value.
• Expressing ideas (plans or solutions) clearly and effectively through both oral and written communication to individuals and groups within CCAI Indonesia or in the organization outside the line of formal authority (such as peers in other units or senior management).
• Communicate and gauge the effectiveness of delivered solutions with the Management team in all CCAI Operations and measure the implementation process with the end users.
• Develop team skills and competencies by planning effective development activities related to current and future jobs; providing timely feedback, guidance and training to help them reach their goals.
• Take responsibility for providing and managing a work environment that is safe and without risk to health by ensuring OHS policy, plans, procedures, induction, training and work instructions are followed. Ensure that hazard management including identification, assessment and control are undertaken.
Job Requirements
• Min. bachelor degree from a reputable university; prefer majoring in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Sciences or any related disciplines
• 10 years working experience and at least 8 years experiences leading IT projects
• Experience in Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company will be an added advantage
Technical Competencies:
• Hands-on project management experience with more than 5 cycle process
• Notable business processes knowledge and experience (min. 2 of following business processes):
Supply Chain
Sales & Distribution
Sales & Marketing
Human Resources
• IT systems knowledge
• Proficiency in SAP Supply Chain
• Financially sound
• Fluent in English and Bahasa Indonesia
• Decision Making
• Finance Acumen
• Developing Others
• Managing Performance
• Planning & Executing
Regional Corporate Affairs Manager – East Java Region
(Based in Surabaya)Job Responsibilities:
• With regards to National Office focus and guidance, develop and implement CA strategy for the region in close relationship with Head of CA Affairs, Head of Corporate Communication, and Business Service Director, along with other relevant CCAI business leaders, which may impact business sustainability and corporate reputation.
• Manage relationships with officials of key government agencies including Governor, Head of Regency/Mayors, including the education of those officials about CCAI business values thereby improving CCAI reputation.
• Monitor, analyze and present updates on government regulations and public policies for threats and opportunities to CCAI business sustainability and corporate reputation, and communicate this intelligence to local business leaders, Head of CA Affairs, Head of Corporate Communication, and Business Service Director.
• Support Head of Corporate Communication and Media Communication Manager to undertake media relations activities by providing compilation of valid facts, media listand press contacts.
• Proactive in manage relationships with regional media.
• Plan and implement CA strategy to managecorporate relationships with key communities and interest groups including the education of community leaders and industry association leaders about CCAI business values thereby improving CCAI reputation.
• Enhance company’s reputation by managing execution of CSR program initiatives and ensure all the programs publicized effectively.
• Supervise and execute IMCR/CRP crisis assessment (including data and information gathering), functional coordination for quick response and implementation, in close coordination with National Office team as well as other relevant CCAI local business leaders, to protect business sustainability and corporate reputation.
• Identify area for improvement, develop improvement program and monitor the implementation to increase process efficiency, cost effectiveness, or increase productivity.
• Lead, manage and coach subordinates to improve CA team performance.
• Develop subordinate capabilities through setting and reviewing performance target, monitor implementation of Individual Development Plan (IDP).
• Prepare, monitor, control the annual department budget to ensure expenditure is in line with the ABP.
• Min. bachelor degree in Social Studies, Economics, Public Relations, Corporate Communications or other related major from reputable university
• Min. 5 years of working experience in Corporate Affairs Manager position or other related roles with leadership exposure.
Technical Competencies:
• Government Relations
• PR Writing skill
• Media relations skill
• Project management skill
• Presentation Skill
• Issue Management & IMCR
• Computer Literacy (powerpoint, excel, etc)
Sales Representative
• Dapat menjalin kerjasama dengan pelanggan
• Menjalin kerjasama dengan outlet yang sudah ada dan outlet-outlet yang baru di area JABODETABEK
• Minimal Diploma 3 semua jurusan atau lulusan SMA/SMK dengan pengalaman di bidang sales minimal 1 tahun
• Memiliki motor dan SIM C
• Berkeinginan kuat dan mampu untuk mendorong pertumbuhan penjualan
• Kompetensi inti yang dibutuhkan : Orientasi untuk melakukan yang terbaik, berorientasi kepada costumer, memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik (supel), bisa jualan, problem solving, dan mampu bekerja baik dalam tim.
• Kompetensi Leadership yang dibutuhkan: perencanaan dan eksekusi.
• Bersedia di tempatkan di Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, dan Bekasi
• Area Kerja : Pasar Traditional, Rumah Makan, Kantin sekolah, kantin pabrik, kios, Terminal, Games/ Internet Station, Toko Eceran, Toko grosir, Distributor, Apotik, Tempat Les, dll.
Benefit selain gaji pokok : insentif/bonus + asuransi kesehatan (3x gaji) + uang bensin + perawatan motor
Cara Melamar:
Bagi Anda yang tertarik serta memenuhi persyaratan dari Lowongan Kerja Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) Juni 2015, segera kirimkan berkas lamaran anda pada link berikut:
PT. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI)
Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia (CCAI) Terbaru Juni 2015 yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Harapan kami anda diterima dan lulus seleksi sehingga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Amin