Lowongan Kerja Sucofindo (SBU Migas) Juli 2014

Sucofindo PT Sucofindo (SBU Migas) PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) or commonly abbreviated as SUCOFINDO is a reputable state-owned inspection services firms in Indonesia, based in Jakarta. SUCOFINDO was established in 1956 and become the first state-owned inspection firms in Indonesia. As of December 2013, SUCOFINDO is owned by the Government of Indonesia and Geneva-based inspection company Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) Holding SA, respectively 95% and 5%. SUCOFINDO has 2 strategic business units (SBU) and 33 branch offices throughout Indonesia. SUCOFINDO booked an increase in its operational performance in 2013. Total comprehensive profit went up by 111.55% from Rp 53.49 billion in 2012 to Rp 113.17 billion in 2013.

PT Sucofindo (SBU Migas) is looking for qualified personnel with high motivation, initiative and integrity to fill in the following positions:

Chief Observer

  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Electronic Instrumentation, Physisc.
  2. At least 6 years of working experience in the field of 2D/3D Seismic Survey.
  3. Experienced in the field of seismic instrument recording
  4. Possess excellent communication skills, both verbal and written (Bahasa Indonesia and English).

Geodetic Engineer

  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Geodesy Engineering (Geomatics).
  2. At least 6 years of working experience in the field of 2D/3D Seismic Survey.
  3. Possess excellent communication skills, both verbal and written (Bahasa Indonesia and English).


  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Geology Engineering, Geophysics Engineering, Petroleum Engineering.
  2. At least 6 years of working experience in the field of 2D/3D Seismic Survey.
  3. Able to design the seismic data process.
  4. Possess excellent communication skills, both verbal and written (Bahasa Indonesia and English).

Asisten Party Chief

  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Geology Engineering, Geophysics Engineering, Petroleum Engineering.
  2. At least 6 years of working experience in the field of 2D/3D Seismic Survey.
  3. Possess excellent communication skills, both verbal and written (Bahasa Indonesia and English).

Party Chief

  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Geology Engineering, Geophysics Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Geodesy.
  2. At least 10 years of working experience in the field of 2D/3D Seismic Survey.
  3. Experienced in the supervision and coordination of seismic operations.
  4. Possess excellent communication skills, both verbal and written (Bahasa Indonesia and English).

PT Sucofindo (SBU Migas)

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