Lowongan Kerja PT Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO

Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO - PHEWMO adalah perusahaan pemerintah Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak bumi. Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO atau Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore merupakan anak usaha dari perusahaan BUMN Pertamina yang bertugas pada sektor hulu tambang minyak dan gas bumi di kawasan Madura, Jawa Timur. Anak perusahaan Pertamina ini merupakan ujung tombak dalam pertambangan minyak, proses pencarian sumber minyak bumi bukan hal yang mudah karena terletak didasar tengah laut.

Pertamina PHE WMO sekarang telah didukung oleh pelatan yang serba canggih sesuai standar dunia khususnya di bidang pertambangan, penggunaan radar untuk menelusuri sumber minyak telah digunakan sejak dulu, selain itu perseroan juga telah memiliki para ahli minyak dan gas yang berpengalaman sehingga permasalahan baik besar maupun kecil dapat diatasi dalam waktu yang singkat. Sebagai perusahaan pemerintah maka PT Pertamina Hulu Energi memiliki kontribusi terbesar dalam upaya menyumbang pendapatan negara setiap tahunnya.

Kesempatan Bekerja Bulan Maret Anak Perusahaan Pertamina 2015 kali ini mencari kandidat professional untuk menempati posisi sebagaimana terlampir berikut:

Penerimaan Karyawan Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO 2015

Senior Regional Geologist

Summary Position:
To validate and analyze regional (basin scale) and subsurface condition with all geological-geophysical aspects and generate play concept, geological model, with the aim of finding hydrocarbon play and fulfill exploration programs.

Key Accountabilities:
• To generate play concept model with emphasis regional concept (tectonics, stratigraphy, etc) in order to find hydrocarbon;
• To validate composite maps (source rock, migration, reservoir, trapping and seal) in order to perform basin evaluation;
• To generate Depositional model and facies map in order to understand the regional geology;
• To conduct basin evaluation and modeling (2D and 3D) in order to conclude model of the petroleum systems in determining prospects and leads;
• To develop CRS (Common Risk Segments) to make sure petroleum system work in the basin
• To Perform litho stratigraphy unit and / or chronostratigraphy unit, sequence stratigraphy and other method for build a proper regional concept suitable at WMO area;
• To Collect biostratigraphy data and age dating of each formation including basement to ensure chrono-geology and stratigraphy column of WMO area;
• To collect and review new geological markers in basin scale in order to integrate geological and geophysical correlation;
• To provide final petroleum system evaluation in basin scale, in order to minimize exploration risks.

Bachelors degree in Geological Sciences
• Have 15-20 years related experience as Geologist for oil & gas industry
• Having experiences in several basin setting in Indonesia and / or abroad
• Having knowledge in regional tectonic setting
• General technical knowledge in Petroleum Engineering, Reservoir Engineering, Petrophysics, Seismic, and G&G Exploration.
• Language Proficiency in English; fluent in speaking and writing
• Computer Literacy

Project Safety Engineer

Summary Position:
To perform and provide advisory and technical assistance to Project Team during the implementation of the Control Of Work and HSE Programs across Project function (e.g. internal audit, CPAR close-out), in order to ensure that programs are understood and followed by all employees in providing safe, reliable and sustainable operations to meet the Companys objectives, goals and targets.

Key Accountabilities:
• To prepare annual safety procedures, safety scope of work, programs and its performance indicators based on risk priorities in order to administer and implement Company policies and procedures
• To monitor safety program implementation, prepare information, signs, posters, label, barriers and other materials and provide Safety Lead and input to execution plans in safety related issue in order to warn of potential and actual safety hazards, prevent access to hazardous conditions and ensure work is carried out in accordance with relevant Codes, Standards and Procedures
• To develop various types of events to promote safety awareness and safety training materials related to issue and hazard identification in order to ensure required safety training is complete for all employees and maintain training records
• To review and arrange safety design, Hazard Identification (HAZID), Hazard Operability (HAZOP) and other risk assessment methods (e.g. Quantitative Risk Assessment / QRA), evaluate hazardous material handling procedures, inspect and assess facilities, machinery, safety equipment and constructions activities in order to find and correct potential hazards, as well as ensure the activities comply with safety requirements and regulations
• To participate in investigating all accidents and incidents resulting in "near miss", lost time injuries or major property / equipment damage, identify root cause and monitor close out report and lesson learnt in order to ensure assist in producing investigative reports and implementing corrective actions
• To conduct regular Safety Audit & Inspection and assist in conducting comprehensive Safety Audits / Assessments of Project and contractors / vendors, set up performance indicator for each Project and monitor CHSEMS implementation in order to identify hazards, document findings, corrective actions recommendation have been madeto support safe, reliable and sustainable operations as per companys objectives and targets
• To review, prepare and maintain documentation and reports of accident, incident, safety observation and statistic, safety engineering and all aspects of safety program in order to all required records, reports, designs and operations are complete, accurate and consistent with As Low As Reasonably Practice (ALARP).

Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering or any other related Engineering background
• Have minimum 5 years related working experience in various HSE activities, such as Risk Assessment, Incident Investigation, PSR, and HSE Audit in oil & gas industry
• Familiar with Project Management, Project Phase, Construction Safety, Safety Engineering and Safety Standards (ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, Association Petroleum Industry / API, ASME, NFPA) and Government Regulation
• Familiar also in HSSE Performance, Review and Audit; and Procurement process in oil & gas industry
• Language Proficiency in English; fluent in speaking and writing
• Computer Literacy

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Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO

Please apply your resume to:

Email : hrssphewmo@pertamina.com
With the “name & code of applied position” as the email subject
CLOSED DATE : 12 Maret 2015
Baca: Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Hulu Energi-WMO Mei 2015

Karir di PT Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore persembahan oleh Tjariekerja untuk anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan Maret 2015

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