Lowongan Kerja PT Pertamina Hulu Energi - WMO

Tjariekerja.blogspot.com: Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Pertamina Hulu Energi - WMO adalah perusahaan pemerintah Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang eksplorasi dan eksploitasi minyak bumi. Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO atau Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore merupakan anak usaha dari perusahaan BUMN Pertamina yang bertugas pada sektor hulu tambang minyak dan gas bumi di kawasan Madura, Jawa Timur. Anak perusahaan Pertamina ini merupakan ujung tombak dalam pertambangan minyak, proses pencarian sumber minyak bumi bukan hal yang mudah karena terletak didasar tengah laut. Pertamina PHE WMO sekarang telah didukung oleh pelatan yang serba canggih sesuai standar dunia khususnya di bidang pertambangan, penggunaan radar untuk menelusuri sumber minyak telah digunakan sejak dulu, selain itu perseroan juga telah memiliki para ahli minyak dan gas yang berpengalaman sehingga permasalahan baik besar maupun kecil dapat diatasi dalam waktu yang singkat. Sebagai perusahaan pemerintah maka PT Pertamina Hulu Energi memiliki kontribusi terbesar dalam upaya menyumbang pendapatan negara setiap tahunnya.
Logo Pertamina Hulu Energi - WMO

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Pertamina Hulu Energi - WMO 2015

 membuka kesempatan untuk Lulusan Sarjana dengan posisi sebagai:

Work location : PHE WMO – Jakarta Office based

Summary Position:
To lead processes of integrated performance, SCM System as well as budget & cost control, in order to ensure strategic, effective and efficient supports to Supply Chain function in accordance with the applicable Government’s regulations and PHE WMO’s performance targets.

Key Responsibilities:
• To lead the development and implementation of Supply Chain Management system across all related functions, including business process, system and procedures, in order to ensure the system have fulfilled the requirement in line with the applicable Company’s standards and policies;
• To lead the development, implementation and control of Supply Chain Management budget and cost, in order to ensure effective and efficient budget and cost utilization of Supply Chain Management activities;
• To lead continuous improvement in supply chain management standards and procedures, in order to ensure effective and efficient supply chain management activities and processes and compliance with the applicable Government’s regulations and procedures.
• To lead continuous and regular performance monitoring and evaluation through key performance indicator (KPI) achievement, in order to understand performance level of internal and external parties and also to ensure implementation and execution of those key indicators based on performance standards;
• To lead preparation and finalization AFE and WP&B proposal with related parties for further review and approval, in order to ensure all programs and projects are covered in the AFE and WP&B and approved by the authorized parties;
• To lead monitoring and control of contract expenditure and department budget (including reporting requirement), prepare monthly accrual (including OPEX and CAPEX) and estimation data based on actual spending, in order to ensure effective and efficient project spending and budget utilization

• Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology, preferably post graduate degree in Material Management/Logistics areas.
• Minimum having 5 years of working experience in handling procurement activities (goods & services) in O&G industry
• Minimum having 2 years of working experience in programming and web-based applications
• Experienced in leading and managing Information Technology projects, including system development and improvement
• Experienced in Performance Measurement, KPI/Balance Scorecard in Supply Chain
• Understanding of business process in Supply Chain Management, include its applications and systems

Work location : PHE WMO – Jakarta Office based

Summary Position:
To perform all goods procurement activities including bidding process (tender, direct selection and direct appointment), in order to ensure goods procurement is conducted in accordance with applicable procurement regulations and goods meet stakeholders’ expectation within cost recovery standards.

Key Responsibilities:
• To facilitate demand management and contracting materials strategy as well as review market assessment in order to ensure availability of bidders with proper quality and standards;
• To develop goods procurement method and strategy, in order to ensure effective and efficient goods procurement process in line with Government’s regulations and Company’s policies;
• To prepare and finalize best quality of bid documents (RFQ, GTC, Technical Specifications), in order to obtain qualified bidders with best price and goods;
• To organize end to end bidding process (both internal and external processes), in order to ensure the process comply with applicable internal and external procurement guidelines and other related regulations;
• To prepare and finalize contract documents (PO, Price Agreement, Call of Order) as well as contract amendment in order to ensure their compliance with applicable procurement regulations;
• To optimize the utilization of master list during procurement process, in order to ensure Company receive maximum benefits of duty exemption.

Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Legal or Economics
• Minimum having 8 years of working experience in O&G industry with minimum 5 years of working experiences at supply chain activities and certified SKK Migas PTK 007
• Understanding of business process in Supply Chain Management

These positions above will be located at Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO).
If you meet the requirements above, please apply your resume to:

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina Hulu Energi - WMO Mei 2015

Email : hrssphewmo@pertamina.com
with the “name & code of applied position” as the email subject.
Your resume will be treated strictly as confidential and only suitable applicants will be contacted for further process.
Batas Lamaran : 19 Mei 2015

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2015 dipersembahkan untuk anda. Demikian dan semoga bermanfaat, pantau terus perkembangan Info Pekerjaan Esok Hari. Sampai bertemu kembali.

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